Profile of TABATA Corp,2


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Company profile

Item of Buisiness・CRT production related system
 ・All kind of oil rotary pumps
 ・All kind of oil diffusion pumps
 ・All kind of vacuum gauge
   Pirani. Ionization. Penning. and All kind of gauge tube
 ・Oil relation
   Rotary pump oil. Diffusion pump oil. Silicone oil.
 ・Piping related parts
   Valve, Flange, Clamp, Packing
   Oilmist trap
 ・Expendable supplies parts
   Alumi heater, Tungsten coil, Ceramics,
   Carbon, All kind of brush.
 ・Repair relation
 ・Fine chemical goods
   Washing medicine, Grease, and The other
 ・Export and Import business on the above.

About our company emblem


At that time the company was founded, with the motif of a chemical formula by specializing in the chemical business field. There is also a major trading partners was that cathode-ray tube manufacturer, adopted the three colors red, blue and green are the three primary colors of light. In the center is decorated with an electronic sign.
